Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Last Meow, Lady
Monday, September 28, 2009
My favorite pet

Despite the strict sense of being a servant or master, a pet is a friend to human; the difference of race never diminish the bond of trust between them. In biology, living things are supposed to cooperate with one another to live in the community. A pet , therefore, support his friend or owner emotionally whenever he or she feels depressed. Even being treated badly, or abused the pet always pleads its loyalty to its owner . Without a pet, human never understand the true meaning of friendship.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Embedding quote
For example, he felt very
insulted when someone slammed the door without asking his "permission"(12).
Being zealous or devoted to his religion, he dared not to admit that witchcraft
existing in his house on the account that he had many "enemy" who would used the
"disastrous charge" to ruined his pride and would "howl" (6)Parris out of Salem.
daughter,"Betty" (30)'illness because he could not bare the responsibility to "discover
witchcraft in [his] house.
In the
book "The Crucible," Arthur Miller portrays multiple characters outliving and getting past
the strict moral values in an attempt to keep up with a good reputation through John
Proctor, Reverend Paris, and Abigail Williams.
Some of the charitures in the book were even willing to die for the sake of thier
reputation, people like Rabeca Nurse, Martha Cory, and Jonh Procter.
They emphasize the category and answer the question.
One character whose reputation
plays an important role is the protagonist John Procter.
This focuses only one character.
I could make my thesis more specific.
Job ^
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Root Poem
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ramona H.S English Hand
2. Coma splice: CS
He is a Knight , she is mage
Coma splice is the error in using coma while fused sentence consist the error of combining sentence without proper punctuation between them.
4, Coma is used to separate items or clause.
Semicolon is used to separate two independent clauses and and list of item.
Number ninety-nine or below.
Title of the plays are underlined.
"affect" mean change disturb or influence.
"Effect" mean result or perform.
There is used as pronoun or adj. They're is the contraction of they are. Their express possession.
Parallel Structure express element in the same grammatical form.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Cite this Picture , May, 10 ,08>